10 Exercises That Burn More Fat Than Running

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4. Kettlebell Swing
This exercise will help you burn 10 calories a minute. It can be done by everyone and it takes only a few minutes.
5. Cross-Fit Exercises
The cross-fit exercise involves numerous different exercises. You should pick three of them and do them regularly.
6. Batting Ropes
This is one of the best exercises you can do, so don’t miss it. It is great for total oxygen consumption.
7. Jumping Rope
It is a fun and effective exercise. It helps you burn 12 calories a minute.

8. Indoor Rowing
This exercise will tone and tighten your muscles. It can burn 375 calories per half an hour.

9. Cross-Country Skiing
It is shown that this exercise is more effective than running. Do this every day, and after one week you will see the difference.

10. Jump Squats
This exercise provides amazing effects. You can burn 14 calories in 20 seconds hard work.

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