Country Cabbage Rolls Straight From A Mennonite Kitchen

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Country Cabbage Rolls blend the rustic charm of savory fillings with the delicate sweetness of savoy cabbage, creating a dish that’s as comforting as it is nutritious. This recipe offers a step-by-step guide to making these traditional rolls, filled with a hearty mixture of lean ground beef, rice, and spices, then simmered in a tangy tomato sauce. It’s a timeless dish that evokes the warmth and generosity of home cooking.

The Story

Cabbage rolls are a staple in many cultures around the world, each with its own variation. This country-style version draws inspiration from Eastern European traditions, where they are often prepared for family gatherings and festive occasions. The recipe has been passed down through generations, evolving along the way to include local ingredients and personal touches, making it a beloved comfort food for many.

Why You Should Make It

Country Cabbage Rolls are the perfect dish for those seeking a hearty, satisfying meal that can be prepared in advance and enjoyed throughout the week. They’re versatile, allowing for various fillings and sauces, and are packed with flavor. Whether you’re cooking for a special occasion or simply looking to add a nourishing option to your meal rotation, these cabbage rolls are sure to impress.

How to Serve

Serve these cabbage rolls hot, smothered in their rich tomato sauce. They pair beautifully with a side of mashed potatoes, crusty bread, or a light green salad for a balanced meal. Don’t forget to spoon extra sauce over the top for added flavor!

How to Store

Leftover cabbage rolls can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 3 months. To reheat, simply warm them in the oven or microwave, adding a little extra broth or water if needed to keep them moist.


  • Blanching the cabbage leaves before filling them makes them more pliable and easier to roll.
  • Ensure the rice is fully cooked before adding it to the meat mixture to prevent the rolls from being too firm.
  • Adjust the seasoning of the meat mixture to your taste, and don’t be afraid to add your favorite herbs or spices for extra flavor.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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