Ridiculously Simple Skillet Lasagna

Don’t you just hate it when it’s 100 degrees outside and you really, really crave for lasagna? Even if it’s not summer, sometimes I ditch lasagna from our dinner rotation simply because I can’t bare to think of all the hassle. All those pots and pans, and all that time! But the kids love it just as much as I do, so occasionally I just have to make it. Boy, was I glad when I heard there is an easy way to work around these issues – and it’s called skillet lasagna!

I know what you’re thinking; how is it even possible to make lasagna in a skillet? What about the lasagna noodles? Doesn’t this dish need a really long cooking time? Those were my thoughts exactly, the first time my friend told me about this recipe.
Believe it or not, you can get this lasagna done in 30 minutes! You heard me – you’re only a half an hour away from your favorite Italian meal, and it’s possibly even tastier than the traditional version. All the familiar flavors are there but you just don’t have to stress over the cooking process!

Please continue to Next Page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions.

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