DIY Household Cleaners

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Happy Monday, everyone! Here are some of my favorite DIY home cleaners that I have gathered together. I love that I am using natural products, and that I am saving money at the same time. Win, win!

First Up, Floor Cleaner. Some sick and twisted human being decided that white grouting sounded good for a kitchen floor… Huh? And it wasn’t off white, it was ultra pure white. It will never be that white again, regardless of my Saturdays channeling Cinderella.

Try not to judge too harshly….I have a 5 year old; 3 year old, 2 year old, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and oh, yes, a Husband. Ha!

Floor Cleaner


1/4 cup washing soda

1/4 cup vinegar

1/2 TBSP  blue dawn dish soap

2 gallons HOT water

(optional, few drops of lavender essential oil)


Mix ingredients in the sink for mopping the kitchen floor, or pour mixture from sink into a spray bottle and use for laminate wood flooring or linoleum in bathrooms etc.

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