20 Ways You Never Knew You Could Eat Avocado

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Make the world’s creamiest pudding

I don’t like to keep desserts in the house; it makes it far too easy to give into stubborn sweet tooth cravings. Instead, I keep a few things on hand to whip up a healthy-ish, single-serve sweet like chocolate avocado pudding. Here’s how to make it.

In a blender, combine 1/2 a ripe avocado, 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, and 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk. Blend the mixture until smooth, transfer it to a bowl and top it with some unsweetened coconut flakes. Having to work for my sweets ensures that I’ll only indulge if I really want it.

Add it to chicken salad

Ditch the fatty, clumpy mayonnaise and use a creamy, ripe avocado to make your chicken salad. To cut even more empty calories, skip the white bread and serve your protein on a pepper boat over a bed of greens. Wanna give it a shot? Head on over to Nutritionist In The Kitch to get an easy-to-follow recipe.

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